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Earthquake Safety

Loyola Law School Recommended Earthquake Preparation and Response

It is a well known fact that Southern California is prone to earthquakes. Whenever a major tremor occurs, expect one or more aftershocks of varying intensity, including the possibility of numerous major earthquakes in the same area.

Earthquakes occur suddenly and may include widespread damage to buildings, roads, and utilities.  The chances of survival are improved if the procedures below are followed.

If Indoors - Stay indoors unless the order to evacuate has been given. Take cover under a sturdy desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment that can fall and hurt you. Be aware that the electricity may go out and the fire sprinkler or fire alarms may turn on. Do not use the elevators.

If Outdoors - Move away from buildings, utility poles and other structures.  Avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized.  Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings and exits, and alongside exterior walls.

Faculty/Staff/Student Earthquake Procedures

Before: Each person should identify those objects in the work area that may constitute a hazard during an earthquake, e.g. bookcases, file cabinets, etc. Such hazards should be reported to Physical Plant so that they can be secured to the walls. 
Consider keeping a personal flashlight and a portable radio with fresh batteries at your workstation.

Learn the evacuation routes from your work area and the location of the nearest first aid and emergency supplies.

During: If inside the building immediately take cover under a heavy desk or table. Do not use candles, matches or an open flame due to the possibility of natural gas leaks.

After: Be prepared for aftershocks. If possible, turn on a battery powered radio to get the latest emergency information. Be aware of the possibility of a power outage, building fires and generally unstable furniture and building materials. Emergency response from both Law School and City of Los Angeles personnel may be delayed.  The Law School public address system and/or the LLS Alert System may not operate or you may not be able to receive cell phone or email messages due to infrastructure failures or overloaded networks. Unless you feel unsafe where you are, you should stay under cover and wait for further instructions from the public address system or rescue personnel.

All students, staff and faculty should know what action to take according to where they are on campus based on the information provided above. If you are in the Rains or Casassa buildings, in or near the book stacks, you must immediately move to the safety of a table or study carrel. The books may fall and hurt you.

For further information about earthquake preparedness click on the following link: