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Transportation Incentive Program (TIP)

Benefits of using TIP:

The Law School will pay a portion of your public transportation costs

  • You'll save money on Law School parking charges, gasoline and wear and tear on your car
  • You'll enjoy a "stress free" commute everyday
  • You'll help reduce the Law School 's parking demand
Signing up for TIP

Students - Use the LLS on-line Parking App (when open) to decline parking. The on-line Parking Form will be made active when the registration period is open.

An email will be sent to all continuing students in July which will include the link to either sign up for parking or to decline it.  The same link will be sent to new students at the end of July from the Admissions Office.  If you will be taking public transportation, you should indicate on your form "No Parking" which will update your form and complete the process.

Read the TIP Pass Policy below to learn how TIP works.

CAN A STUDENT CHANGE THEIR MIND??   Parking can be added in Campus Operations if a student decides not to use public transportation after all. The parking fee is not pro-rated. The fee is the same whether you sign up by the deadline or you add it during the fourth week of classes.

Faculty/Staff - Sign up for TIP through WageWorks.  For more information , please read the LLS Staff and Faculty Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) Policy below.

Shuttle Information

Detailed information about the LLS Shuttle program can be found on the Shuttle page.

All Metrolink and Metro Rail trains end at Union Station. From Union Station you should follow the signs to the Red Line. You can board either the Red Line/or Purple Line which takes you to the 7th Metro Station. Exit towards Figueroa Street (Platform 2) and walk to the shuttle stop in front of  616 S. Figueroa Street.  The Law School Shuttle runs Monday through Friday all year according to the published schedule.  No Shuttle service on Saturday, Sunday or LLS Staff Holidays.

A "lunch shuttle" is available to take you to L.A.Live between the hours of 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Student Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) Pass Policy

Effective: October 1, 2010                                          

  • All enrolled students are eligible to participate in the LLS Transportation Incentive Program (TIP).
  • Students are responsible for purchasing their own commuter pass. Students are encouraged to purchase a monthly pass due to the financial savings.
  • Students will be reimbursed by the Law School for 50% of the cost of the pass/or ticket.
  • Students who participate in TIP are not eligible to purchase regular LLS parking or be part of a carpool.
  • Daily Parking rates apply for the occasions in which you must drive and park at campus. 
  • TIP participants must submit a signed purchase requisition form along with the original receipt to the Campus Operations Office for reimbursement approval. You must submit the request within 60 (sixty) days of the date of purchase as listed on the receipt. Requests for reimbursement for passes purchased in April or May must be submitted no later than May 20.  Your approved requisition will be submitted to Fiscal Affairs for processing.  If the cash refund is not picked up a check will be ordered and mailed to the student address on file.
  • All reimbursements will be made by the Fiscal Affairs Department located in Founders Hall according to the Reimbursement Policy.
Student TIP Program Reimbursement

The complete policy can be found here.

Section 12 - Payment Policy

The Accounts Payable Department processes payments to vendors for purchased goods and services performed.  They also process reimbursements to students for university-related expenses.  Payments are disbursed in two ways:

             1.  Check

             2.  Electronic Payment (Direct Deposit or wire)

Reimbursements are made by check for all amounts.  The required requisition form and original receipt must be submitted to the Campus Operations Office.  The turnaround time for this type of reimbursement is normally three weeks.

Direct Deposit is now available for all students.  We highly recommend this method, as it is more economical and saves paper.  To sign up for direct deposit, please email Johanna Hernandez or Kristina Carrasco in Fiscal Affairs.

Please note that the Direct Deposit form for a TIP reimbursement is separate from the tuition refund direct deposit form and the work study payroll direct deposit form.

LLS Staff and Faculty Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) Policy

Effective October 1, 2010:

  • To participate, you must be a regular full-time LLS faculty member or a regular full-time LLS staff member working at least 35 hours per week.
  • If you pay to park in the LLS Parking Structure, you cannot participate in TIP.
  • In the event that driving to the law school is necessary, daily parking rates apply.  
  • If you take a bus, train or vanpool to work, you can participate in TIP and receive a subsidy of up to $100 per month for purchase of your transit media.  Parking expenses related to public transportation will not be paid for or reimbursed by LLS.
  • Eligible staff and faculty must purchase transit media through WageWorks at in order to receive the subsidy of up to $100 per month.
  • If the cost for your bus, train or vanpool exceeds $100.00 per month, the difference will be withheld from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis up to the IRS pre-tax limit ($230.00 as of January 1, 2010) and on post-tax basis for the amounts greater than the IRS pre-tax limit, up to $300.00 per month.
  • To sign up or get more information on the commuter benefits, contact WageWorks at 877.924.3967 or