LMU Westchester Parking Permits
The Loyola Marymount University Westchester campus charges daily for visitor parking. If you have reason to frequent the Westchester campus and have a valid Loyola Law School parking permit, you may request that your LLS permit is active on both campuses. To activate your permit for dual campus use, please complete this online form and allow at least 48 hours prior to your visit: LMU Parking Authorization Form.
- Students: This permit is valid for one academic year, August-July. A new application must be filled out at the beginning of the fall semester for each academic year thereafter.
- Faculty & Staff: This parking application is non-expiring or until you are no longer employed by LLS or owner of the vehicle.
- If you wish to register more than one vehicle, please fill out a separate form for each vehicle.
LMU uses license plates as "virtual" permits. There is no need to display anything on your vehicle other than your license plate. Permit enforcement at LMU is via license plate reading technology so it is necessary to park HEAD-IN. If your vehicle does not have a license plate please use the last eight digits of the VIN number on the form. Once you receive the license plates for the vehicle, send the license plate number to Campus Operations so that the LMU info can be updated.
If you do not have a valid LLS parking permit you will be charged to park at LMU. For more information please go to: www.lmu.edu/parking.
Important Parking Information:
Faculty and Staff can park in any non-restricted parking space area on the LMU campus with the exception of the visitor parking lots.* Please observe all signs and markings for additional restrictions. In addition, certain lots are designated as faculty/staff only.
- University Hall P1
- Drollinger Lower (behind gate arm)
- Lot E
- Lot F
- Whelan Lane
*Visitors are only those vehicles paying the daily rate via Pay Station or Parkmobile
Loyola Law School students are considered commuters and can only park in the commuter lots:
- University Hall levels P2 and P3
- Drollinger garage
- Hannon parking lot A
Here is a link of the LMU campus: https://www.lmu.edu/resources/campusmaps/
Please email campus.planning@lls.edu or call x8391 if you have any questions.